Types Of Therapy

Types Of Therapy

Therapy can help you resolve emotional and mental issues. There are different types of therapy that address different needs: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)Our thoughts contribute to feelings and behaviors. When we change our thoughts, we have the potential to...

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How To Deal With Social Anxiety

How To Deal With Social Anxiety

If you feel anxiety, overwhelm, distress, or panic in social situations, you may have social anxiety. When you miss opportunities to connect with people through work, friendships, or romantic relationships because of social anxiety, it can lead to depression. Social...

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How To Deal With Perfectionism

How To Deal With Perfectionism

Perfectionism is not the same as high achievement. Perfectionism involves feeling badly about yourself when some aspects are lacking, assuming those aspects will thwart your goals, while high achievement involves going for greatness and feeling fulfilled by what you...

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How To Talk With Kids About Mental Health

How To Talk With Kids About Mental Health

Before talking with your kids about mental health, keep an eye out for warning signs of potential struggles such as irritability, withdrawal, panic attacks, self-harm, aggression, appetite or sleep changes, vomiting, chronic worry, disruptive behavior, mood swings,...

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23 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health

23 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health is mental well-being that contributes to our quality of life. We can improve our mental health through self-care, prioritizing activities that help us increase our energy and decrease stress. Here are 23 ways to improve your mental health: 1.  Exercise....

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What To Do When You’re Frustrated

What To Do When You’re Frustrated

We can get frustrated with ourselves or others from stress or unmet expectations, and when the frustration lingers, it can affect our mental health. We may feel angry, anxious, irritable, overwhelmed, or annoyed. We might avoid those who frustrate us, have changes in...

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How Do You Name Your Emotions?

How Do You Name Your Emotions?

How Do You Name Your Emotions? Emotional granularity refers to the ability to accurately describe one's emotions, which means having the vocabulary to name feelings. A better ability to name our emotions generally means better coping and mental health. Other words for...

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How To Help Someone With Depression

How To Help Someone With Depression

Feelings of sadness and irritability, loss of energy, lack of focus, changes in sleeping, appetite, and/or hygiene, and loss of interest in what they used to enjoy can indicate depression. If these factors persist longer than two weeks and affect daily life in a...

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How To Help My Kid With ADHD

How To Help My Kid With ADHD

ADHD can involve challenges with executive function: planning, organizing, staying focused, and finished tasks. As the parent, you can help your child gain these skills so you can both feel less overwhelmed, frustrated, exhausted, and angry and more in control....

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How To Cope With Addiction

How To Cope With Addiction

When we first turn to an addictive substance or behavior, they may give us temporary relief from physical or emotional pain and/or stress. But once we form a habit over time, the addiction harms us. We crave the substance or behavior, which can include drugs, alcohol,...

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How To Set Boundaries

How To Set Boundaries

Boundaries put a healthy wall between you and someone who shows toxic behavior. Think of healthy boundaries like a cat’s mentality. Unlike dogs, who are thirsty for affection, cats set their own rules about how they live. Our goals with boundaries are similar: we want...

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Your Kids CAN Move On From Bullying at School

Your Kids CAN Move On From Bullying at School

Without support, school bullying can lead to lifelong struggles with self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Along with intervention, support through therapy can help kids process the pain from bullying and develop coping strategies to avoid long-term issues. There is...

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The aviation field can be a thrilling and exciting experience, whether as a career or even a hobby. Despite the thrill and excitement of being in the air, over time, pilots may develop negative thoughts and feelings which could manifest as anxiety, panic, stress, and...

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3 Tips for Homework Time If Your Kid Has ADHD

3 Tips for Homework Time If Your Kid Has ADHD

Homework time can be a challenge for any kid. But when staying focused presents an extra hurdle for your kid, homework can become stressful for both of you. Here are three tips to make homework time less stressful and more structured: First, pick a good homework spot....

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Being adopted or adopting a child can be a truly wonderful experience. This can create a strong sense of unity for a family that is starting or for a family who is looking to expand. It can also provide the adopted child with a sense of belonging or acceptance....

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Targeted at Work? Therapy Can Help

Targeted at Work? Therapy Can Help

If work leaves you feeling stressed, anxious, and depressed from false accusations, sabotage, exclusion, and other intimidating, threatening, and demeaning behaviors, you may experience triggering from childhood trauma as part of the workplace abuse. If you felt...

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Summer Therapy by Telehealth

Summer Therapy by Telehealth

Telehealth therapy has gained acceptance since the pandemic and is a great way to make progress on your self-care and mental health during summer months when the routine changes for many of us. Telehealth therapy uses face-to-face telecommunication over the internet...

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Workplace Abuse Can Lead to Trauma

Workplace Abuse Can Lead to Trauma

You may feel like nothing you do at work is good enough. You went from a vibrant, confident worker to feeling stressed, anxious, and depressed. False accusations, sabotage, exclusion, and other intimidating, threatening, and demeaning behaviors at work from...

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EMDR Retreats

EMDR Retreats

Healing from trauma and grief is a process that takes time, but we now know that there are effective treatments that can decrease suffering and allow people to recover much more quickly.  EMDR has gained widespread acceptance as one of these effective treatments for...

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Recovery from Addiction

Recovery from Addiction

Addiction gets a bad rap but most of us fall into some type of addictive behavior over the course of our life.  We can become addicted to a substance such as alcohol, marijuana, caffeine or even sugar.  We can also develop what’s called a “process addiction” when we...

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Wellness for First Responders

Wellness for First Responders

First responders, including police officers, firefighters, EMTs, nurses and doctors, face unique challenges on the job that can cause significant job-related stress. They may be exposed to repeated critical incidents, long and non-traditional working hours, threats to...

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Healthy Communication for Couples

Healthy Communication for Couples

How many of us attended the class on how to communicate well with a romantic partner? I’m guessing the answer is close to none of us. It can be extremely difficult to learn to communicate openly, honestly, and kindly with a partner. We all bring a personal history of...

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EMDR and Anger Management

EMDR and Anger Management

Did you know that EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) can help people deal with bottled up anger? When we have trouble managing our angry feelings, it’s often because we are holding onto something that made us angry when we were kids. Kids are too...

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