Group EMDR Retreats
The HERE (Healing EMDR Retreat Experience) Program at Labyrinth offers an intensive and rapid treatment approach that is grounded in well-established and effective methods of strengthening coping skills and processing painful experiences to promote healing.
We are excited to offer full-day group retreat experiences that combine the benefits of individual EMDR treatment with the well-known healing power of a supportive and affirming group experience. Our group retreats provide a cost-effective alternative to our individual retreats, and also an opportunity for further integration and growth for clients who have previously participated in EMDR therapy.
We have designed our group retreats to allow clients to participate in a single retreat or progress through a series of retreats that become increasingly advanced. Clients are enrolled in groups of 4-8 members that focus on a shared theme to organize the work together. We have clear group agreements about social distancing, Covid protocols, confidentiality, and group interactions to promote a group experience that is comfortable and supportive for deep therapeutic work. The group retreat includes group therapy with a senior group therapist, individual EMDR therapy with a highly trained trauma therapist, an ancillary wellness experience (e.g., yoga, massage, meditation, etc.), and wholesome nutritious snacks and luncheon. We believe that a major advantage of the group retreat experience is the opportunity it provides for connection with other group members who can understand, share, and heal together.
Most insurance companies do not yet recognize the significant benefits and cost-effectiveness of full-day group/EMDR treatment and therefore do not currently cover this program. We strive to provide our group retreats at competitive rates and recognize that clients are making a significant financial commitment to themselves by participating in the HERE program. Our clients consistently report that the out-of-pocket cost of their treatment in the HERE program was well worth it.
Please contact us for more information about our fees and how to enroll in a group healing retreat.